
Missed My Bus

If it left on time, it left about the time my alarm went off at 4:30. Not sure why I set my alarm wrong. So, now I'm in Niamey for another day.

I really want to get back out to my village. I have a soccer game on Friday, but this time on the internet allowed me to do a bit of tinkering to the blog.

You'll notice I changed the banner. It's a lot less boring now, thanks Jermey for the help with that.

Underneath the archive I've created a list of the 5 posts that have been viewed the most times. This way, if you are new to the site and don't have much time you can see what people have read the most. I will update it every chance I get, so that I can keep it as up-to-date as possible. All I ask is for your patience.

I've also added a list of my PC Niger friends blogs that automatically updates itself and keeps the most recent updates on top. So, if I haven't updated in a while you can read what is going on in their lives.

At the bottom of the left hand bar I've added a search box. It will allow you to search everything on my blog and all the links I've included. Could be handy if you forgot where you found something.

I'm still having trouble getting Facebook to import my blog, no fun. So, if you used to read an imported note on Facebook, stop being lazy and just visit the site.

I also helped Jeremy add some features to his blog. With our powers combined true nerddom can be achieved.

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