Wow, it's been over a month since my last post (I just didn't want to spoil you before I leave). There is not much new with my progress, but I've got some exciting new features for the blog to tell you about today. There is now a subscription service (Yeah), an interactive map (Yeah!), and I have shared some others' Peace Corps blog entries (YEEAAAAH!!!).
Ok, I know that all ten of the readers of my blog have been thinking "Well, gee golly, it would be nice if I could get a message every time there's an update to this fancy shmancy blog so I don't have to keep checking back every 15 minutes for a new exciting story." Well, ladies and gentlemen, problem solved. Now you can just subscribe, sit back, and relax knowing that every time I update you'll be notified. The subscription service is provided by and is totally free, so there's no excuse not to do it. You can subscribe by email (just type your email address into the box on the right) or use your favorite feed reader (click the orange icon underneath the email subscription box, you know the drill).
On to the interactive map, I will hopefully be able to stick a virtual thumbtack in the map to show you exactly where I am. You can also zoom in/out and drag the map in any direction you like.
My favorite new addition to the site is the shared items from my Google Reader (my favorite feed reader). With it, I have been able to share with you some of the stories of people who are currently blogging about their Peace Corps experiences. It should be a different list of stories every time you visit. After you are done reading about me still being in The States, you can read their exciting and touching stories from abroad about celebrating holidays in Africa, fixing a flat tire with local food, or babies being born. Stop by their blogs, read about what they are doing and tell them that they are doing a great job.
Well, I hope that you enjoy these new features, and in my next post, which will be soon I promise, I'll tell you about the Nomination Packet I received this week. Thanks again for reading and again, thanks for your support.
14 years ago
hiii wilhelm, it's carolyn. i'm kind of still in stalker mode from facebook, and i saw your blog link and thought it'd be fun to check out. i'm so proud of you for doing the peace corps! ssa is going to be a pretty phenomenal spot to be in..i'm jealous. i was in ghana all last summer and i wish i could go back. but anyway..i'm way proud of you and you're going to do a rockfabulous job! i put my ghana blog down there just in case you don't have enough to do, haha. and i made nate a list of stuff i wish i had known before living in a developing country, so if you want that, i'll send you a copy :) take care of yourself, fool!